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Te Ara Tuhono

42 km pathway
between Havelock and Picton

walk or bike

inner Marlborough Sounds
New Zealand

Notice Board - February 2025

Te Aro Tuhono Link Pathway is open.

This free-to-use pathway created as a community project, needs on-going maintenance. Your support is really appreciated! Become a sponsor or make a donation.

Walking track Marlborough Sounds . New Zealand Cycle Trail . Te Araroa trail

The Link Pathway project began in 2005 with a desire by Inner Marlborough Sounds residents to see pathways established between local communities. The vision grew to build a continuous high-standard pathway on public land between Havelock and Picton, that included Anakiwa.

This community initiated project, created a high quality dual-use and free-to-use pathway on public land, linking communities between Havelock and Picton in the Inner Marlborough Sounds. The Link Pathway is 42 k's long, with many shorter sections along the way catering for a range of opportunities and time-frames. Part of the pathway incorporates a re-discovered bridle path that was built in 1862 and has lain abandoned for over 130 years. The Link Pathway passes through a range of features, including sounds foreshore, mature beech forests, remnant podocarps, tidal estuaries, vistas of the inner sounds, and pleasant farm-land. Other existing tracks and trails can be accessed from the Link Pathway, including the Queen Charlotte Track, and the Cullensville / Waikakaho track.

3000 Volunteers


18 years from first construction to pathway completion
9 trustees governing the project
3,000 individual volunteers working a total of 35,000 hours
$ 2.4 million raised in sponsorships, grants and donations
multiple resource, building, heritage consents and management agreements
42 kilometres of pathway built entirely on public land
24 bridges and 4 boardwalks constructed
182 culverts installed
23 retaining walls built
216 tonnes of surface gravel (AP20/30) laid and compacted
40 lookout seats installed
48,000 people walked / ran / cycled the pathway in 2023

Havelock / Motuweka, around Kaituna Estuary

Section A.

Distance 2 km. Grade 1, Easy

Mahakipawa Hill

Section B.

Distance 6.5 km. Grade 2, Intermediate

Lower Mahakipawa

Section C.

Distance 4 km. Grade 2, Intermediate


Section D.

Distance 7.5 km. Grade 1, Easy

The Grove to Momorangi

Section E.

Distance 2.5 km. Grade 2, Intermediate

Momorangi Bay to Ngakuta Bay

Section F.

Distance 3.5 km. Grade 2, Easy

Ngakuta Bay to Wedge Point

Section G.

Distance 5.5 km. Grade 3, Intermediate

Wedge Point Ridge to Shakespeare Bay

Section H.

Distance 3.5 km. Grade 2.5, Intermediate

Shakespeare Bay to Picton / Waitohi

Section I.

Distance 2.5 km. Grade 2, Easy

The pathway section descriptions (A - I) run from West to East (Havelock to Picton) however the pathway can be walked / cycled in any direction. Read & See More.

This free-to-use pathway created as a community project, needs on-going maintenance. Your support is really appreciated! Become a sponsor or make a donation.